
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is a far left hate group which actively seeks the emasculation of men, the marginalization of conservative women and promotes the bizarre pseudo-science of the gender madness movement.

Founded:  1966

Location: Washington, DC

 Ideologies: Feminism, Pseudoscience


N.O.W. (The National Organization for Women) is a far left hate group which actively seeks the emasculation of men, the marginalization of conservative women and promotes the bizarre pseudo-science of the gender madness movement. N.O.W. spreads hysteria about “toxic masculinity” when in fact it is a lack of masculinity that is causing so many problems in society. N.O.W. seeks to blur the many wonderful differences between men and women and replace them with them unnatural bigoted and hateful lies of third wave feminism. Additionally this organization actively promotes the “War on Men” which has destroyed so many lives. 

Shockingly, the “O” in their symbol, shown on the left, looks exactly like an iron, as in “iron my shirt”.  This is likely a dog whistle for misandry.  We at the Super Happy Fun America Law Center speak in one voice when we say “Not now N.O.W.”